Welcome to the Web Design & Development Course! Are you ready to become a web developer? If so, you’re in the right place.
Our comprehensive course is taught by an industry expert experienced web developer with more than 100 students in Bangladesh and over 07 years of experience as a professional web developer. From the basics of web design to front-end development skills, this A to Z course covers everything you need to know to succeed in the world of web design and development. It focuses on what you need to learn and avoids unnecessary details.
In this course, you’ll learn how to code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn about responsive design using frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. In addition to building your own project, you’ll work on some designs, websites, and applications throughout the course.
Lesson 1: What is HTML?
Lesson 2: Why do we need to learn HTML?
Lesson 3: What are the uses of HTML?
Lesson 4: Download & Installation of needed software.
Lesson 5: The journey of web design.
Lesson 1: Basic syntax
Lesson 2: Heading, Paragraph, Break
Lesson 3: Comment & Space
Lesson 4: Anchor, Target, Image
Lesson 5: Video & Audio
Lesson 1: Ordered & Unordered List
Lesson 2: Table & Google Map
Lesson 3: Form, Input, Label
Lesson 4: Difference between Div & Span
Lesson 5: Styling Attribute
Lesson 1: What is CSS?
Lesson 2: Inline, Internal. External CSS
Lesson 3: ID & Class
Lesson 4: Color, Background-color, Border
Lesson 1: Margin & Padding
Lesson 2: Font & Text
Lesson 3: Button Design & Hover
Lesson 4: Shadow & Opacity
Lesson 5: Float & Align
Lesson 1: Background Image & Gradient
Lesson 2: Font Awesome
Lesson 3: Image Styling
Lesson 4: Animation & Transition
Lesson 5: Transform & Rotate
Lesson 6: Menu & Navbar
Lesson 1: What is Bootstrap
Lesson 2: The main purpose of Bootstrap
Lesson 3: Responsive Design
Lesson 4: Bootstrap linking & CDN
Lesson 5: Color, Background & Button
Lesson 6: Card & Border
Lesson 7: Slider & Carousel
Lesson 8: Grid system with row, col
Lesson 9: Media Query & Responsiveness
Lesson 1: What is Javascript?
Lesson 2: Why do we need to use Javascript?
Lesson 3: The basics of Javascript
Lesson 4: How to link Javascript with HTML
Lesson 5: Commenting code in JS
Lesson 6: Variables & Data Types
Lesson 7: Conditional Statements
Lesson 8: Lteration & Loop
Lesson 9: Array & Indexes
Lesson 1: Function & Date
Lesson 2: DOM Manipulation
Lesson 3: Click, On Hover, Mouseout
lesson 4: CSS, Class & ID
Lesson 5: Get element & query selector
Lesson 6: How to make a simple calculator
Lesson 7: Frontend form validation
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